1 Punta Punta Point, General Luna, 8419 Surigao del Norte, Filipinas
Property ID:
Punta Punta Surf Retreat is the top retreat space in Siargao Island, the trendy and and coming Surf destination in the Philippines. With a 94% occupancy rating over the last 12 months we are a very successfull business, with a yearly profit of 280.000 USD. We work with the best surf retreat brands in the space and have a top 5 booking.com score in the island. Easy to manage (we only have 8 members on our staff) and with clean papers. The real estate property is a gem, by the ocean and overlooking Cloud9 and the best surf spots in Siargao (Rock island, Stimpies and Boomies). We also have a bigineers spot right in front of teh property, working well around 4 months a year. We are also open to sell 1/3 of the business (with assests).
We have bar, common area, swimming pool and parking area. Our food like service is excellent and most of our guests do several meals a day in our space.
For more info check www.puntapuntasiargao.com