Boulevard "Tsarigradsko shose" №423, 1186 Sofia, Bulgaria
Property ID:
Here is the information for the property
I’m the owner of the property, so you don’t have to pay anything to a broker or realestate agent.
The complex hasn’t been working for the last 3 years because of COVID-19 situation.
The property is on 2 notary ownership documents, the first is on the name of my company on which I’m the owner, and the second is on my name as private person. If you buy and you wish, the official notary document can be one made, and if you want you can make building permit for approximately 17.000 sq.m. ( building or industrial building)
regarding your inquiry, we present to your attention an offer for the purchase and sale of real estate owned by Georgi Yanakiev, namely:
1. The “Black Cat” complex, with address: 426 “Tsarigradsko shosse” blvd., Sofia, Bulgaria including land and buildings sa follows:
1. Land withidentifier 44063.6201.2871, with an area of 4352 sqm. ,. together with hte buildings built on it: /1 Building with identifier 44063.6201.2871.1, with a built-up area of 357 sqm. ,. number of floors 4, purpose: hotel; 2/ Building with identifier 44063.6201.2871.2, with built-up area 85 sq.m., number of floors ,2 purpose residential building – single-family, 3/ Building with identifier 44063.6201.2871.3, with built-up area 248 sq.m., number offloors ,2 purpose: public catering building; 4/ Building with identifier 44063.6201.2871.4, with a built-up area of 9 sq.m., number of floors ,1 purpose: construction of hte additional development; 5/ Building with identifier 44063.6201.2871.5, with built-up area of 10 sq.m., number of floors ,1 purpose: construction of the additional development; /6 Building with ID 44063.6201.2871.6, built-up area 27 sq.m., number of floors ,I purpose: hangar, depot, garage, as well asall other buildingslocated on theproperty.
1.2. Land property with identifier 44063.6201.2872, with a graphic area of 9195 sq.m. (according to the ownership document of 9199 sq.m., and according to Sketch No. 15-683195-
29.07.2020 – with an area of 9026 sq.m.) together with the building built in ti with identifier
44063.6201.2871.1, with a built-up area of 133 sq.m., number of floors 1, intended for: residential building – single-family, as well as with all other buildings located on the property, including an outdoor swimming pool with an area of 169sq.m.
The complex is located ni a mixed multifunctional development zone ( C 2 ) according to the General Development Plan of Sofia – maximum building density 60%, 40% landscaping, with an Intensity Factor of 1.2, with no limit on the height of the buildings. The possible development with these indicators is a building with a developed built-up area over ground of about 17.000 sq.m.
Al buildings and facilities on the property are legally constructed and provided with relevant documents, giving the owner theright to operate freely to realize his commercial intentions.
A future transaction with these properties will require the buyer to express serious interest in
acquiring them initially with a Leter of Intent signed and sealed by the respective manager/owner of the acquiring company.
Along with the LOI, we would also like to receive a certification document from your servicing bank, from which ti is clearthat the company has assets sufficient to cover the acquisition of the real estate, as well as the accompanying expenses.
We would like the future sale to take place ni a short period of time, ni this regard we indicate a period of 2 months for the final acquisition of the property.
After expressing your interest, a preliminary contract of sale will be drawn up, in which the deadlines and the necessary actions of the parties for the final acquisition of the property will be fixed.
It should be noted that we have all the necessary documents for a final transaction with these
real estates and ti wil take about 1month to prepare anotary deed for their acquisition.
We would also like to know which bank you wil eb working with ni Bulgaria, ni view of the fact that the transaction should be carried out by bank transfers, possibly through an escrow account.
The offer price for direct sale is 12.500,000.00 Euros, which will be paid in two installments –
the first on the day ofsigning the preliminary contract and the second on the day of signing the notary deed.
At the present moment, we have initiated a procedure for the development and adoption of a Detailed Development Plan for the unification of the landed properties in regulated one, and the result of the procedure will enable a significant increase in construction indicators, as well as a significant increase in the price of-the properties.
Black cat complex is located on the start of highway Trakia in Sofia the capital of Bulgaria.
The Complex is situated on the strategic place –high way: Trakija”
next to the Ring road.
The distance to the center of Sofia is 13 km. (square Alexander Nevski”) and to the Sofia international airoport-10km.From six in the morning to ninethirty in the evening there is a regular minibus service. One of the mini buses goes to the metro station. (around 3 km.)Aprocsimatly10 km in the South a Golf Play ground is situated. That makes the complex
Suitable for deferent business activities
General data and size
The complex has 13545m2 in total with access on the high way.
More of 200 pieces of trees and bushes of varies types have been planted
on that land. This makes the complex nice and cool even during the hot summer months
and isolates the noise of the high way.
The garden is well kept and cloud accommodates private and company parties, cocktail’s, seminars, teambuilding’s etc.
Infrastructure: The water supply is from the general town pipe line, practically with no limitation. In addition to it there is a drilling with 4.5 litter/second debit and watering system for the garden. Because of the absence of sewerage in the hall area 3 cesspools are build with sufficient capacity for complex needs.
Electric supply is from the transformer 200 meters away and is sufficient for the hall complex.
The complex is connected to the natural gas pipe line.
On the bottom of the complex on the area of 4000m2 permission for multy functional building is given approximately 5000m2.
Available services:
The complex “Black cat” has a contemporary accommodation builded.
1. Tree flour building with 17 rooms and 5 studios, two seminar rooms on the ground flour with 40 seats; large office; storage rooms etc.
2. The rooms have showers, studios have bath. Both have LCD TVsetts, tel. The building has a natural gas hitting.
3. The new building got permission for use June 2009. It has a total area of 1280m2.
4 The old house has in total 240m2 with 4 rooms for personal; restaurant hall with 50 seats and kitchen.
The complex has in the garden a barbeque and several shades (one of which has a fireplace)
Summer sport facilities:
On the far end of the land approximately an open swimming pool with surface of 169m2 and volume of 140m3 is situated. Around the pool 100 beds with umbrellas together with well design bar for drinks sandwiches and coffee exist. On the right side of the pool a building with semi underground floor for the machinery and one ground floor with toilets bathrooms, dressing rooms for ladies and gentlemen; small sauna and massage room are situated. The sport part of the complex is separated beautifully by green tree wall.